The Legitimacy of Granting Precautionary Measures in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality: an analysis based on Víctor Comella’s theory
Direct Action of Unconstitutionality, Provisionals Measures, ConstitutionalityAbstract
The judicial review of the standards is used to remove the legal system standards incompatible with the order established by the Federal Constitution as well, is crucial to the democratic state, from, among others, the balance of protection of functions of that State and for ensuring observance of the rights provided for in the constitutional level, the reasons should be considered as Judicial Review also as one of the pillars of the democratic state of law. Direct Action of Unconstitutionality in the Brazilian model allows the provisionals measures, with the focus to declare provisionally the unconstitutionality of the rules adopted by a democratic process of deliberation, should have about them a moderate presumption of constitutionality, which of itself, would not authorize the judge to cautiously consider the incompatibility of the normative document to the Constitution, according to which preleciona Victor Comella. In this context, the granting of interim headquarters in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality should be found to violate the constitutional foundations of the Brazilian state.
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