Women’s empowerment as na instrument in fighting political violence
Women’s empowerment, Women’s political participation, Fighting political violenceAbstract
The object of this article is the analysis of female empowerment, whilst the strengthening of women in the attainment of their emotional, financial, and political autonomy, as skillful instrument in fighting violence, specially institutional violence, that affects women in their own political parties. From a brief historical study about women in society and their political achievements, it is possible to confirm that recent standards do not reflect the ideal, but still represent progress, even though, slow. Women’s legal achievements in the political field are a path of no return and the continuing struggle forges the reality for equality of opportunities and conditions between men and women in society and politics. The method employed both in data gathering and narrative structuring was the inductive, and bibliographic research consists in works, articles, legislation, and institutional websites, such as IBGE and TSE, providing necessary substructure for building this article. In conclusion, it is possible to confirm that the partisan institutional violence, sometimes silent, sometimes not, affects women in a way that represents a strong barrier to women’s participation in politics.
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